Tuesday, March 23, 2010

All the best things happen in March

'Ello there.

So i'm back at the blog and have a few things to comment on.

I do firmly believe that March is the best month; not just because of my birthday, which tends to be the only reason people like certain months (ex: February. Seriously? That month sucks.) but also because it's finally when Chicago tends to thaw out and give us teasing little glimpses of Spring. Also, when I was in grammar school, March was when our girls' soccer team started practicing which was basically the highlight of my year as a pre-teen. But most importantly, I firmly believe that March is the luckiest month of the year, or at least produces the most good omens for me to follow.

Last year around this time, I was sitting on my couch at home during Spring Break watching the Food Network when my Dad told me to apply for more jobs. Being obsessed with the Food Network, I figured I would send in my resume to the most general email contact I could find just to make myself feel marginally productive with my job hunt. The very next day, my future boss called (while I was again watching the Food Network...how apropos)and offered me the chance of a lifetime to start working on a new offshoot site for the Food Network. I couldn't beieve my luck and still can't to this day.

This year was slightly less eventful, although I did get a bunch of calls for jobs and landed in a project doing social media. The pay is great and I'm pretty sure this is what I should be doing to stay "relevant" in the media. Whatever. I do what I want.

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